UTFacultiesBMSDept TPSHTSRResearchHealth Services Research

Health Services Research

Carine Doggen; Professor

We investigate the effect of an innovation (including technology and processes) on clinical and health outcomes, quality and safety of healthcare, delivery of health services, and the associated healthcare costs

Carine Doggen; Professor

Innovations in healthcare, such as a new technology or processes, can have an impact on health services, organization of care, health outcomes, prognosis and roles and responsibilities of patients and healthcare professionals. With our expertise in quantitative and qualitative research methodology, clinical epidemiology, and health services research, our goal is to assess the impact of innovations.

An increase in chronic diseases, a shortage of qualified healthcare professionals and the need for sustainable use of resources, the pressure on the healthcare system increases. Transformation of healthcare, with the use of technology, is often seen as a way to improve the sustainability of our healthcare system. For instance, innovative ways to organize care include remote disease monitoring and support patients remotely. We evaluate how technologies can be used optimally, whether they are effective in reducing the burden on individual patients  and the healthcare system, and how they can support the care process. This includes questions regarding quality of care, optimization of self-management strategies and care paths of patients, labor input and (digital) health literacy. Furthermore, we study the experiences of patients and professionals regarding innovations and what support they need. Moreover, (real world) data is used to determine lacks of knowledge, monitoring daily practice, development of prediction models and evaluate implementation of new technologies using AI. The results of our health services research contribute to digital transformation and the optimization of healthcare innovations.

key Projects


    REal-time data monitoring for Shared, Adaptive, Multi-domain and Personalised prediction and decision making for Long-term Pulmonary Ecosystems. Link to project page.

  • Revalidatie Thuis

    Use of eHealth and remote care within rehabilitation

  • Technology in Healthcare Transformations

    Technology in Healthcare Transformations provides novel synergies in research collaborations between UT disciplines (faculty BMS) that address three factors that are at the core of the transformational healthcare processes: effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. Link to project page.

  • The NABOR study

    Effectiveness of persoNalized care After treatment for non-metastasized Breast cancer based On risk of Recurrence, personal needs and risk on (late) health effects: the NABOR study. Link to project page.


    Early detection of symptoms using digital patient reported symptoms monitoring and a FitBit to optimize care in metastatic breast cancer. Link to project page.