EHealth University of Twente

18. Linking Patient reported outcomes measures using Item Response Theory


Item response theory; patient reported outcomes


Patient reported outcome measures assess patients’ own  perspective on their health status, including their level of pain, physical function and fatigue. The growing interest in incorporating  patient reported outcomes in routine clinical care,  quality improvement registers and clinical trials has led to the availability of a number of validated questionnaires for each of these domains. Outcomes obtained using different questionnaires are usually difficult to compare, because each questionnaire has unique items. This limits the degree to which outcomes can be compared between studies that have used different patient reported outcome measures. 

In this project we identify pain, physical function and fatigue questionnaires that are in widespread use and calibrate their items to a standardized reporting metric in order to harmonize outcomes reporting. The project has resulted in a common metric for physical function. Ongoing  studies will focus on common metrics for pain and fatigue and cross-validation in independent datasets.


MST, TiH, Erasmus MC, The University of Manchester, UMC Utrecht, Swiss Clinical Quality Management registry, Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin, US National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, UPMC University of Paris, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore


2015- present

Contact person(s) in the SMHA lab:

Martijn Oude VoshaarMart van de Laar