10. Using outcome data for shared decision making (sdm) in breast cancer follow-up - the shout-bc study
To learn more about the larger project SANTEON project click here: https://santeon.nl/2020/01/28/experiment-uitkomstindicatoren-deelt-de-ervaringen-na-het-eerste-jaar/
Outcome, shared decision making, co-creation, breast cancer follow up
Nowadays, treatment for breast cancer is highly personalized, but follow-up care is equal for all patients and based on a standard guideline: an annual mammogram and physical examination for five years following treatment. This one-size fits all approach is under debate as the risks for locoregional recurrence (LRR) and second primary (SP) breast cancers are not equal for everybody.
In this project, an outcome based patient decision aid (PtDA) is developed in co-creation with key stakeholders. Moreover, the PtDA incorporates the INFLUENCE-nomogram: a tool to calculate personal risks for LRR and SP, based on a large set of outcome data from the Netherlands Cancer Registry. We aim to assess the effects of the outcome based PtDA on (reported and observed) shared decision making, satisfaction about care and utilisation and outcomes of care; using a Multiple Interrupted Time Series (mITS) design, in which 630 breast cancer patients will be included into two conditions (before or after implementation of the PtDA) in seven top clinical hospitals over a period of 20 months.
ZonMw, 7 SANTEON Hospitals, Zorgkeuzelab, BVN