Too often, implementation is seen as post-design activity that is executed only after the design of a technology or other kind of product is finished. However, current visions on eHealth development state that implementation plays an important role right from the start. As we have discussed, many issues can arise during implementation in practice (Broens et al., 2007; May et al., 2007). If these potential implementation issues are identified during the earliest stages of the development process, they can be addressed before the actual implementation starts. Decreasing, making a plan to account for, or eliminating these implementation issues before implementation reduces the chances of them having a negative effect on the implementation.
Also, involving the perspective of the users, other stakeholders and the context from the beginning increases the chances of a good fit with the technology, which in turn increases the chances of a smooth implementation process. The better the fit and interrelationship, the higher the chances of successful implementation in practice. This means that actively involving stakeholders in the development process and making sure their needs are incorporated in the technology contributes to implementation as well.