Describe Current Situation

What is describing the current situation?

While describing the current situation and its weak and strong points, an understanding of the context is obtained, and an exact definition and determination of the scope of the context is described. Besides the perspectives and opinions of the stakeholders on the current situation, the context can be represented as the rules, regulations, ethical issues and other important matters that have to be considered during the development [1].

What is the aim of describing the current situation?

eHealth technology should fit the context and the people, and that is why, during the contextual inquiry the development team should aim to get a thorough understanding of the context.


[1] Sjöström, J., von Essen, L., & Grönqvist, H. (2014). The Origin and Impact of Ideals in eHealth Research: Experiences From the U-CARE Research Environment. JMIR Research Protocols, 3(2):e28.