How do we do this?

How do we do this?


What CHEPS has been and will be working on is only part of the story. How CHEPS will be working on those themes determines also what CHEPS is and will be. CHEPS has a strong tradition doing international comparative studies, using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Key to CHEPS’ strong track record is its position in international networks of higher education experts, policymakers and researchers. Through these networks CHEPS has access to up-to-date information that underpins its analyses at system and institutional levels. Framed in a variety of disciplinary approaches, traditional research methods such as desk research, surveys, case studies and interviews are combined with innovative approaches to collect empirical information.

To address the research themes, CHEPS is supported by the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS) of the University of Twente, as well as by external organisations and clients, such as Education Ministries, Research Councils, the European Commission, foundations and intermediary organisations. Acquiring project funds, also to train the next generation of higher education researchers, is an important part of the work of CHEPS. The nature and size of CHEPS’ projects often requires CHEPS to seek collaborations with high quality (academic) partners in research consortia.

CHEPS’ mission is to pursue excellence in its research and scholarship. Its goal is to support the development of high quality higher education systems and the related fields of policy and practice. To realise this CHEPS is undertaking research of all types, from basic research driven by curiosity and CHEPS’ research agenda, to practice-oriented contract research.

CHEPS is sharing the findings of its research with practitioners and policy-makers as well as with academic audiences internationally, in the Netherlands, and with colleagues and students in its own university. To achieve this, the results of CHEPS’ work are made public – in academic publications, research reports, books, blogs, newspaper articles and in seminars. The quality of CHEPS’ research is evaluated in external peer reviews as part of the quality assurance policies of the Faculty of BMS.

CHEPS’ work is done by people – it is teamwork. The CHEPS team consists of about 12 academics - some senior, some junior; comprising Dutch and other nationalities.