Identifying barriers in promoting European Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance at institutional level (IBAR)

The international research project IBAR, which ran 2011 - 2013, studied drivers and barriers regarding implementation of the European Standards and Guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), through case studies of 28 higher education institutions in seven countries. IBAR studied research universities as well as universities of applied sciences, in seven countries all over Europe, i.e. the Czech Republic, Latvia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, and the UK. The research team, from the same seven countries was coordinated by Heather Eggins (UK) and Helena Sebková (CZ). The project was funded under the European Union's Life-long Learning programme.

Its main findings and conclusions were published as:

Eggins, Heather (Ed.), Drivers and Barriers to Achieving Quality in Higher Education. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Contact person for IBAR at CHEPS is Don Westerheijden.