UTFacultiesBMSDept TPSChepsNewsNew webinar on “Strategy Development in Higher Education projects

New webinar on “Strategy Development in Higher Education projects By Leon Cremonini, Evelien Blom and Fekadu Mulugeta,

Recently, Leon Cremonini (Managing Director of the Ethiopian Institute for Higher Education), Evelien Blom (Higher Education Component Manager of GIZ’s the Sustainable Training and Education Programme (STEP)) and Fekadu Mulugeta, of Addis Ababa University, conducted  a webinar on “Strategy Development in Higher Education projects” (click here to watch the webinar). The presentation describes the process and methodologies used during the 2016/17 project to develop a higher education strategy management framework for Ethiopia. The session provides insights into specific methodologies, strategic scenarios and concept mapping as a key methodological tool to ensure participation from a very wide spectrum of higher education stakeholders across Ethiopia. The project was managed by A.R.S. Progetti (Rome, Italy). A team of five consultants, including Leon Cremonini (then a CHEPS researcher), Bart Fonteyne, Erica  Gillard, Fekadu Mulugeta and Girma Ejere, conducted the consultancy.