Information on the workshops in session 1


13:30 - 14:30 hr

Academische Betadocenten: Nieuwe Routes en Nieuw Elan! 
Jeroen Goedkoop (UvA) Jan van der Veen (UT)


Scholen hebben behoefte aan voldoende academisch opgeleide docenten om in de vele vacatures te voorzien. Het gaat daarbij vooral om de exacte vakken. Lerarenopleiders, ICL, VSNU, bètadecanen zijn vol dadendrang, maar hoe pakken we het aan? 

De bètafaculteiten hebben allen een plan ingediend. Ideeën genoeg, bijvoorbeeld: Met routes door de klassieke opleidingen heen zodat je in 5 jaar ipv 6 jaar klaar bent om les te gaan geven. Ingenieurs die meewerken aan ontwerpen door leerlingen. Het beroep aantrekkelijker maken, en hoe dan? Kunnen we studenten uit de brede bèta opleiding paden bieden naar het leraarschap?

In deze ambitieuze werksessie gaan docenten, studenten, lerarenopleiders en onderwijsmanagers dit samen oplossen. De uitkomsten zullen worden meegenomen in de verdere uitwerking van de plannen van de bètafaculteiten. 

Transforming Traditional Courses into Challenge-Based Projects
Rudie Kunnen, Gerrit Kroesen, Sonia Gomez, Henk Swagten (TU/e) 


Learning about  systems and control can be a difficult endeavor for second year bachelor students if the assignments are not motivating enough. Transforming traditional courses into challenge-based projects can stimulate students to apply theory and concepts in hands-on tasks.

In this workshop we will show the re-design process of a traditional course Signals and systems into a Design-based learning (DBL) project. We will challenge participants to transform their own courses into hands-on projects.

Team Based Learning in Beta Education


Brigit Geveling & Jan Willem Polderman (UT)

In Team Based Learning problems are solved in a joint effort by (small) teams following a specific protocol. After a brief introduction to what Team-based Learning means, the participants are put to work themselves. Discussion and consultation in TBL makes students better understand the subject much better. Moreover, it stimulates precise and clear formulation and argumentation. During the workshop, teams are formed and they will solve a number of exercises together. These exercises encourage discussion among the team members. Participants thus experience how effective TBL works.

ATLAS and WizzFizz challenges
Jasper Homminga and students (UT)


One of the aims of the University College Twente - ATLAS is to train students to become self-directed learners: they know what to learn, they know why they learn it, they are capable of making the required choices, and they reflect on their learning. In the workshop we discuss ATLAS and mainly this approach of self-directed learning. On a smaller level, in the Math and Physics, we prefer to challenge students not with clear and restructured problems like those “in the back of the book”, but with vague and ill-defined problems, closer to those you would find in the real world. In the workshop we will give some examples of these and discuss the pros and cons of this approach.

Computer Assisted Physics (CAPh) in Teaching and Testing

Jeroen W.J. Verschuur (UT)


This workshop consists of two basic themes that are integrated in one session. The common factor is the use of Mathematica as a computer algebra software package running on a computer to assist students in learning and testing. This allows students to learn in a more professional environment away from the strict scholar environment.