Pinetum De Horstlanden

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Pinetum De Horstlanden

Pinetum 'De Horstlanden' is a conifer garden established in 1969 on the campus of the University of Twente. Over the past 55 years, this conifer garden has developed into an inviting and peaceful park where a remarkable variety of conifers can be admired.

What is a Pinetum?

A pinetum is a type of garden dedicated to conifers, which are evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs with cones. In Pinetum De Horstlanden, conifer species from America, Europe, and Asia can be found. Asian conifers are located to the north of the ponds, while American species are primarily found south of the ponds. European conifers can be found on the eastern side of the Pinetum.

In 2024, dendrologists assessed the cultural-historical and dendrological value of the Pinetum. Some specimens are the largest known examples in the Netherlands, while others are rare older cultivars, no longer propagated in nurseries. An example is the Juniperus x pfitzeriana cultivars found near The Gallery. This pinetum serves as a genetic repository of species and cultivars dating back to around 1969. Several species predate 1969, making them over 55 years old. 

Conifers are typically cone-bearing. They remain green throughout the year (with a few exceptions) and tend to grow slowly. In addition, they provide valuable ecosystem services, such as capturing fine particles and offering shelter to sparrows and owls.


The Pinetum aims to showcase a wide variety of species, varieties, and cultivars. The conifers are planted either as solitary specimens or in small groups, organized by their geographic origin. The Pinetum acts as a green buffer between The Gallery, Meander, the parking lot, and the Hengelosestraat. It serves as a green gateway to the campus from the bicycle path along Hengelosestraat. The ponds and closely mown lawns create an open character with long sightlines.


The Pinetum was planted in 1969. It was initiated by the 'Twente' tree nursery study club, with the design managed by the Recreation and Landscape Architecture department of Grontmij de Bilt, under the guidance of Mr. W.J.M. Janssen, a horticulturist at the Agricultural University in Wageningen. The Technical University of Twente generously provided a 4.5-hectare site for the project.


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