General information, criteria/requirements, learning objectives & procedure


General information
The purpose of the clinical internship is to acquire practical knowledge and to practice skills such as consultation, evaluation, intake interviews, reporting, therapeutic techniques and working in teams. These skills form the basis for working independently as a psychologist. Besides gaining practical experience, it is important that students can behave in an ‘academic manner’ in the practical environment. This means that students not only participate in the organization’s activities but also spend some of their time deepening their knowledge by consulting academic and relevant literature.

You can start your clinical internship in either September/October/beginning of November or February/March/beginning of April of each year. The end date of your internship does not play a role. The total duration of the internship amounts to 532 hours (19 EC) and must be spent on evaluation, assessment and treatment (unless agreed otherwise with the University of Twente). An internship agreement will be drawn up between the student and the work placement.

Time spent by students during the internship on preparation and/or data collection for their Master’s thesis does not count as internship time. The internship and the Master’s thesis are regarded as separate courses.

Days off do not count as internship time. During the internship students are allowed to take one week’s holiday. The internship then has to be extended with the equivalent of hours missed. If a student is ill for more than 1 working week, the internal supervisor will be notified and the internship will be extended with the equivalent of the hours lost, to ensure that the student works 532 hours at the internship. Time spent at evaluation meetings and intervision meetings does count as internship hours.

If the internal and external supervisors agree on the internship being insufficient, the student must redo the internship (in the same or in a different institution). The external supervisor is allowed to terminate the internship if the students’ performance gives rise to do so. In that case the internal supervisor has to be informed about the decision and the underlying reasons.

Learning objectives for the clinical internship
The clinical internship activities differ per placement. Students must be able to achieve the following learning objectives:

Diagnostic skills
Students are able to...

Treatment skills
Students ...

Other professional skills
Students are able to...

Phase 1: Finding an internship
Enroll yourself through Canvas to the Course Internship PCPT. On Canvas a list will be published with potential institutions / organization at which you can conduct your internship. A list is provided for Dutch and German internships.

For Dutch internships there will be a Canvas notification, asking you to submit three internships of your preference (in random order). The internship coordinators will then make a division based on all student’s preferences. Then, you can apply at the assigned internship. If your application is refused, you can join again in the next draw.

For German internships there will be no draw. A list is published on Canvas with potential internships, which you should apply for yourself. No fixed arrangements have made (yet) with German institutions / organizations.

You can always look for internships yourself! The only requirement is to not contact the organizations / institutions on the list ‘reeds benaderde stageplaatsen’. These are all organizations that we already have arrangements with. Always check whether the institute fits with the requirements. You can provide them with the internship manual.

Phase 2: Internship appointed
When you are hired by for your internship, make sure that you and your employer sign an internship agreement. An example of such an agreement is placed on Canvas. There will be an announcement on Canvas stating which of the internship coordinators will be appointed as your internal supervisor.

Phase 3: START internship
In the first few weeks of your internships, you will draft your learning goals for the internship. Also, remember the learning goals that you worked on during the other courses in your bachelor/master. There is an example of such learning goals on Canvas. You have to send your learning goals to your internal supervisor, one week before the evaluation meeting (around four to six weeks after the start of your internship). During the internship intervision meetings (four in total) you will receive further explanation about the learning goals and the evaluation meetings.
You have to keep track on a logbook during your internship. A template is provided on Canvas. Your external supervisor needs to sign this logbook.

Phase 4: During the internship
During your internship you should extend your activities and responsibilities (from an observing role towards active participation). In case of any questions, doubts; please reach out to your internal supervisor.

Phase 5: finishing your internship
You have to write and submit an internship report about your internship. An example is provided on Canvas. Make a connection between everything you learned in the other courses and your experiences from your internship. Also describe through one case report how you applied this (diagnostic) knowledge. This case report can be the same as one of your BAPD reports.

Submit (a draft of) your internship report one week before the final evaluation meeting. Also, provide your external supervisor with the evaluation form (located on Canvas) as a preparation of the final evaluation meeting. Both the internship report and the evaluation form will be discussed during this second and final evaluation meeting.

Make arrangements about submitting (report, signed logbook) with your internal supervisor on time. Your internal supervisor will hand in the final grade for your internship to BOZ. Note: it takes one week to process your grade into Osiris. This means that the grade needs to be send to BOZ one week before your colloquium the latest. It's your responsibility to make sure your supervisor can grade you on time.

Depending on the internship, there will be possibilities to work on your BAPD (Basisaantekening Psychodiagnostiek). Let your internal supervisor know when you are planning to get your BAPD, she can notify the BAPD supervisor from the UT. It is recommend to submit a first version of one of your BAPD reports to the BAPD supervisor. Your external supervisor has to approve on the contents of the BAPD first, before you can send it in to the BAPD supervisor from the UT. Please send in your first BAPD report before working on the second and third, to prevent yourself from reoccurring mistakes. Finishing your BAPD is not part of finishing your internship. You can get your BAPD supervised until six months after your graduation. If this is not possible, there are other options to get your BAPD (through the NIP). The BAPD is one of the ways to get your LOGO statement. Always check with your institute what the(ir) procedure is.