UT in the Media Award

UT staff and students are eligible to compete for the UT in the Media Award since 2012. The MC department continuously monitors the media appearances of the University of Twente on the radio, TV, in newspapers and magazines.

UT in the Media award

Every year the MC department keeps a list of UT students and staff who submitted their contribution in the media. Every time a UT student or staff member is in the news (newspaper, radio, TV, magazine, internet) they gain (weighed) points. MC regularly arranges reproductions in the UT Newsletter, faculty newsletters, faculty websites and the alumni newsletter and on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIN.

The UT in the Media Award stimulates that the results of academic research will more closely and more frequently come to the attention of a broader audience. The Executive Board puts the best media performers in the limelight every year. We ask everyone (academic staff, PhD candidates, staff and students) to submit their media expressions via the website. We would also like to receive the evidence (URL or PDF document).

Do you have an interesting piece of news but do not know how to best call attention to it in the media? Then please contact the Press Relations department of MC (persrelaties@utwente.nl).

We are looking forward to your contribution.

Rules UT in the media award