Programme of Requirements

Have a look at the Final Design of the ITC building in Langezijds and the Programme of Requirements.

Final Design ITC building

Summary Programme of Requirements ITC 


This Programme of Requirements (PoR) for the new ITC building was drawn up at the end of the definition phase, to support the selection procedure for advisers. The PoR is a translation of the needs, wishes, requirements and expectations of ITC members and UT frameworks. 

The PoR will provide the starting points and the basis for drawing up the investment estimate and the operational estimate.

In the design phase, the contractor is expected to implement and translate the ambitions outlined in this PoR in a concrete design proposal, in consultation with ITC.

The reference date of the present PoR is 29 May 2019. Any later changes will be implemented during the design or realization phase.

Statement of work

The Executive Board of the University of Twente has decided to move the ITC Faculty to the Campus in order to further enhance the international character of the University of Twente by using the extensive network of the Faculty ITC. The relocation is also expected to stimulate the collaboration and interaction with other faculties. Relocation to the Campus may also result in synergy between the different areas of education and research, and it may also offer benefits due to the shared use of education and research facilities, facility services, workplaces and technical maintenance services.

The new building will be an international meeting centre and knowledge institute, and must be suitable for receiving international delegations and students.

It is essential that the combined education and research activities and staff functions are visibly and recognizably present in a single building. Because the ITC Faculty primarily offers MSC and PhD education programmes, a strong link between education and research is a given. Its international orientation and the fact that all education programmes offered by the ITC Faculty received internationalization as a special characteristic during the latest accreditation, lead to additional requirements for the new building.


The planned location for the new ITC building is the location of the existing Langezijds building.

The scope of the project consists of:

The following are not in scope for this project:

Facility sharing

One of the reasons for relocating the ITC Faculty to the campus is facility sharing. In each phase of the project, an assessment must be made of facilities available elsewhere at the campus that can be used by the ITC building, and which facilities the ITC Faculty can share with other faculties. 
The education facilities required in the new ITC building will be used to provide the core of the own education programme, with high utilization of the rooms.

The ITC Faculty will use the following services, which are provided centrally at the campus:

Central provision at the Campus of the following facilities is being investigated. For the present, these facilities need to be provided in the ITC building:


The following parties are involved in the process:



Company name

University of Twente / Campus & Facility Management


W.H. Fij


Rob Nengerman

E-mail address



Company name

ITC Faculty


David Korringa


A.M. Arets - Meulman

E-mail address

Creation of the PoR

This PoR was created based on input from the following working groups with ITC members. An attempt was made to organize the broadest possible representation of the end users (support by the organization). 
The following working groups were involved and will continue to be involved in the subsequent process:

Organisational structure

ITC is managed by a faculty board, which consists of a rector/dean and portfolio holders of education, research, operational business and Capacity Development and a managing director. The primary process of the total field of knowledge of ITC is carried out by the Scientific Departments, which are supported by the Support Department.

The ITC faculty consists of 6 scientific departments, which are active nationally and internationally in the following fields of education and research:

In addition to the managerial positions, the faculty has 10 support departments. ITC also has a number of in-house laboratory facilities that offer services for education programmes and research activities.

Functional Requirements

The Executive Board has assigned the location of the existing Langezijds building as site for the new ITC Faculty building.

The picture below shows the west wing of the Langezijds building, in the middle you will find a northern entrance facing the O&O square, and a southern entrance facing the Hengelosestraat.


The building must have a conceptual structure, with the functions of the rooms from the centre to the sides of the building gradually changing from meeting and communication (busy, sound, interaction) to concentration (solitude, quiet, concentration), and from group (many in the same place) to individual use. Integration is the keyword for the positioning of educational, meeting, and office functions. 
The building must also serve as a meeting space and home for the (international) students outside scheduled office and education hours.


The main structure of the building must be of a flexible nature. This flexibility must facilitate the following scenarios:

The design of the building should take the feasibility of these scenarios into consideration as much as possible, without requiring major changes to:


In the functional requirements of the building, the following topics are defined in the complete programme of requirements (a print version is available at the secretariat of the directorate of ITC):

Accessibility, Logistics, Signposting, Business continuity, Safety, Hygiene, Social safety, Emergencies, Green (nature).


The building must be connected to all necessary utilities. Despite the fact that utility services up to the procurement unit (meter cabinet) are outside the scope of this project, the following starting points must be taken into consideration:



The building has one main entrance, which is mainly intended for individual traffic (staff, students and visitors). The entrance flows into the central hall, where various functions are located, such as the service/reception desk and wardrobe.

Functional requirements for the entrance are for instance:


The staff, and student population in particular, is highly diverse and comes from over 150 countries in different parts of the world. Cohesion and feeling at home are essential to this multicultural group. Therefore, the restaurant is the social "heart" of ITC and should have a homely look and feel.


Scientific Departments

The Scientific departments explicitly want to retain a traditional office environment. The idea is that by choosing their own working hours, people can work more efficiently and flexibly. The introduction of flex places may seem attractive from a financial perspective, but it is incompatible with how the ITC works.

From interviews with employees we gather that 75% to 80% prefer many concentrated activities, while 25% to 20% prefer fewer concentrated activities. This assumption should be used as a starting point for the design of the office environment for the Scientific Departments. Based on this, a point can be made for housing the scientific staff in their own office rooms.

Due to the fact that, for the staff of the Scientific Departments in particular, shared office space is not desirable, because of the confidential nature of many conversations and because of the focus that is required for much of the work, we have opted for individual offices.

For PhD students and assistants, internships and guest employees there is no need for individual offices. For these profiles shared rooms for 3 persons per room are also a possibility.

Support Department

Non-scientific staff offer support with a wide range of activities from a variety of disciplines to assist the scientific staff with the realization of the primary process.

Here, easily visible, recognisable, available and accessible units in separate rooms in a central location are also an important requirement for students and scientific staff.

In the context of the explicit aim of continuous service improvement, there must be a central desk for the full range of support offered to students and scientific staff. This means that rooms are either merged or placed adjacent to each other, at least when there is an essential functional relationship or when necessary for reasons of efficiency.

In a number of cases, staff of the Support Departments are already sharing space to the satisfaction of all parties. In these cases, the existing situation can be continued and alternative concepts can be used instead of a traditional office concept. Confidentiality and low threshold are key in the realization of the offices for support staff. In order to keep the threshold for students as low as possible, and so as not to create any social or cultural barriers in the study programmes (one of the underlying ITC success factors), only FEZ and LISA will have a service desk function.


The way of teaching and learning is characterized by working interactively, a mix of class-room teaching, instruction, self-study, practicals, and working in a group, and the introduction of teaching concept such as blended learning.
In the coming years, aspects of distance learning will be incorporated in the current blended learning concept of the ITC. This may cause other burdening moments and may require more facilities for e-learning.

The ITC Faculty distinguishes between the following types of students, based on the selected programme:

The following figure shows the planned education facilities. Annex 4, Required Education Learning Spaces, contains details for the required space.

Some functional requirements for education areas are for instance:


In the PoR, labs are defined as rooms with special requirements, for example in the area of construction and physical realization, environment, climate control, laws and regulations.

The following figure shows the six types of lab facilities:

In the print version of the PoR you can find  the specific requirements that impact the spatial layout of each lab facility.


A variety of facilities are required for the support of the primary process. These are shown in the following picture.

Some functional requirements for other rooms are for instance:

Sustainability ambition

Our green campus offers a living lab for research and education and inspires us to use sustainable operational management. The environment and the climate are the centre of gravity for teaching, research and operational management.

The core business of the University of Twente is research, education, and valorisation. Sustainability is a key subject in our education and research programmes. In particular, the University of Twente is a clear front runner in terms of research, and the university has distinguished itself by providing practical solutions.

The new ITC building must, therefore, not only meet the statutory requirements in the area of sustainability, but also our additional ambitions in all areas of sustainability. The building must provide an excellent realization of the priorities ‘green’ and ‘sustainable use.’


decided is that the building will be certified on the basis of the GPR Building label. This applies to defining a basic sustainability level as well as to the concrete realization of the vision. The ITC building must have a minimum sustainability level based on GPR Building with an average score of 8.0 and a score of 9.0 for Energy. The building will be GPR certified. Sustainable use of the building is realized by optimum use of space and aiming for healthy users. 

Green credits GPR Building

(Minimum) requirement

Impact on sewage, soil and groundwater

> 75% of roof surface is extensive green roof.

Measures against fine particles

A green roof or green façade has been applied.

Visual comfort

Green view from at least 50% of the rooms.

Future more sustainable equipment

Façade ready for green façade.

Educational value

Visible facilities for biodiversity.

Energy: The building meets the following BENG requirements in addition to the statutory framework which will become effective mid-2020.  

Building function


Energy need



Primary fossil energy consumption


3 -

% renewable energy on location

Education and meeting function




Office function




Use of water:

Use of circular materials: during the realization of the building recycled materials are used for at least 35% of the volume. This must be demonstrable by means of materials lists and statements of the origin of the materials.

Other conditions and functionalities, focussed on for instance a good interior climate that allows the employees to do their job, and that provides possibilities for individually controlling the work environment, or focussed on safety, are given in detail in the printversion of the PoR at the secretariat of the directorate of ITC.