Congress Posters

Balance Control Asymmetries in PD patients (ISPGR, 2009, Bologna, Italy)
Contributions to balance control (Braingain Consortium Meeting, 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
Effect of sampling duration onCoP measurements (ISPGR, 2009, Pavia, Italy)
Inertial motion captured motion using holonomic constraints
Sensitivity of musculoskeletal simulation outcomes to motion capturing method
Experienced gravitational ankle joint stiffness (IEEE-EMBS BeNeLux, 2009, Enschede, the Netherlands)
Proprioceptive sensory reweighting (Annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2009, Chicago, United States of America)
Robot aided gait training (Neuroscience, 2009, Chicago, USA)
Afferent contribution to balance
Robotic gait training (BMTI, 2009, Enschede, the Netherlands
Biomechanical Modeling of Spine (ESB 2008, Luzern, Swiss)
Dynasit Design Poster (RESNA 2008, Washington DC, USA)
Dynasit Research Poster (RESNA 2008, Washington DC, USA)
LOPES (Neuroscience, 2007)
Dynasit Flyer - page 1 (ISS 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA)
DyDynasit Flyer - page 2 (ISS 2007, Orlando, Florida, USA)
Dampace (First Dutch Conference on Bio-Medical Engineering, 2007, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands / ICORR’07, Noordwijk, the Netherlands)
Freeball (ICORR’07, Noordwijk, the Netherlands,)
Visiomotor Learning (PMC 2007)
Balance control (WCNR, 2006)