UTFacultiesEEMCSDisciplines & departmentsHMI4TU H&T Events4TU H&T Symposium on Vulnerability and Human Computer Interaction
Andre Mouton

4TU H&T Symposium on Vulnerability and Human Computer Interaction

4TU H&T Symposium on VuLNERABILITY in HUMAN-Computer INteraction


TL;DR: The vulnerability in HCI symposium is about human-computer relationships, inclusiveness, vulnerable target groups and more.

The goal of the symposium is to determine a scale for vulnerability that can inform the design of more inclusive human-computer interaction technologies. Studies frequently show that their HCI technology works for a large majority of their intended target group, but we would like to know why it doesn’t work for everybody? And how can we measure the level of vulnerability of a person or piece of technology? With this symposium we would like to get a group of experts in different fields (philosophy, psychology, design and engineering) together, and ask them for their perspective on vulnerability and human-computer interaction. The participants will be presented with different keynote presentations, and then will be split in breakout sessions with the aim of constructing measures for vulnerability. If the interest is high enough, in a subsequent event we would like to test these measures with end-users and current HCI technology.


December 2nd, 2021, in conjunction with Jelte van Waterschoot's Ph.D. defense.


Hybrid, we will set up cameras and microphones such that breakout sessions will work with physically located and remotely located participants.


Information & Registration:

You can find more information about the symposium here: https://sites.google.com/view/vulnerability-and-hci/

And registration here: https://www.utwente.nl/en/eemcs/hmi/hmi-forms/registration-4tu-vulnerability-symposium-2021/

Programme (subject to small changes):

Defense ceremony: