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The International Module, during which we visit in person various companies and organizations around Europe, also allows us to create a network and inspire us for our future careers


Why I chose this master

After studying International Development in Canada for my bachelor's, I was interested in gaining more technical skills to address the complex challenges our society is facing today such as climate change and environmental degradation. The master of Spatial Engineering is bridging three core knowledge areas: technical engineering, spatial information sciences, and spatial planning and governance. With my perspective and knowledge from social sciences and policy, I chose this master's to complete my profile with more skills like data sciences, modeling, cartography and GIS, and programming. In addition, I was attracted by the challenge-based learning and the various professionalizing modules aimed at developing our project management skills and building our professional careers.

How did I like the program

After one year, I can say that I achieved my goals within this master's by gaining applied skills and learning how to solve wicked problems from a multidisciplinary perspective. The Faculty of ITC offers a huge number of resources and specialized courses, and professors are easily reachable for discussing their research and building your network. I had for example the opportunity to work as a research assistant for a professor, which was a great learning chance. The International Module, during which we visit in person various companies and organizations around Europe, also allows us to create a network and inspire us for our future careers. I am now looking forward to the next steps which are: thesis writing, internship, and electives. After a quite intense first year, the second year allows us a lot of freedom to design a path that matches our ambitions and goals. There are several study advisors available to help us make choices.

What is it like to study at UT in Enschede

The quality of life in Enschede is really good, as this town is human-sized and dynamic. I also am very grateful for the nature and greenspaces on and around campus. Our faculty building is brand new and was ranked the best educational building in the Netherlands - so I guess that answers it haha. I must admit that I was quite overwhelmed by the amount of opportunities for association life at UT: you're spoiled for choices between all sports, social, and cultural clubs. Two years is not enough to use all the resources.

Tips for people still making a choice:

If you're hesitating about your master's choice, I'd suggest contacting students, and course coordinators. They are very approachable and will be happy to answer your questions. Overall the program is still very open and adaptable to your own path. All the students come from very various backgrounds (civil engineering, GIS, social sciences, geography, and even design). They are interested in urban planning, disaster risk management, policy making, and satellite imagery... It feels to me that rather than teaching a subject, this master provides tools and knowledge to reach your career goals within your disciplines and interests.

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