Social-embedded AI


The University of Twente is the ultimate people first university of technology, which translates into our vision for Social-embedded AI: People First Artificial Intelligence.

We see Social-embedded AI as intelligent solutions for complex human tasks that range from highly autonomous to decision-making support systems. We believe that hybrid intelligence needs to be designed and implemented by following a holistic systems perspective that aims to provide robust, resilient and sustainable solutions that should be respectful of our societal values and to ensure high quality in terms of accessibility, trust, safety and experience of use for all the individuals. To serve this need, within the UT we adopted an integrated multidisciplinary approach to Hybrid AI that is focused on continuous collaborations between designers, engineers, experts of health and well-being and social scientists to ensure a feedforward loop which is essential for successful Social-embedded Social-embedded AI. Following this multidisciplinary perspective innovators at UT are supported by, and work together with, teams of computer and data scientists, engineers and human factors researchers, as well as healthcare, cognitive, behavioral, business and philosophy scientists to:

The UT sees itself as a gatekeeper of responsible design of AI. How to design and how to systematically assess the impact of AI on people and communities is the primary goal of our scientists to build the future in which human and AI work together in an accountable, transparent, efficient, effective and pleasant way.

Scientists at the UT believe that to design AI in a responsible way means to develop solutions able to work ‘with you’ instead of ‘for you’. Therefore, AI solutions should be designed to maximize reliability, resilience and trustworthiness during the interaction to support high quality in the experience and in the decision making, without being invasive, demanding and disruptive for people.

Our vision on the responsible design of AI translates into research to define frameworks, guidelines and rules to enable humans and AI to coexist and complement each other, such that AI supports people in a personalized way that corresponds with how people want to live their lives. Our learnings behind responsible AI, need for trust and commitment, and quality of interaction between humans and technology will define the new era of AI.