UTDialogical SpacesEventsDialogue 6: 'Decolonizing the Curriculum: why, how, and what for?'

Dialogue 6: 'Decolonizing the Curriculum: why, how, and what for?' Dr. Rosalba Icaza Garza

The series called “Dialogical spaces for a diverse university” aims to make the UTcommunity reflect critically on structural issues affecting diversity and inclusion in our research, education, and practices. During eight online sessions, we will discuss topics such as inclusive education and critical pedagogies, decolonizing the curriculum, shaping universities for gender diversity, and discussions around race and technology in research. Cross-cutting these themes, we will continuously ask: What are we doing in our day-to-day academic practices, which is not, directly or indirectly, promoting diversity and inclusion behaviors, actions, and dynamics? And, what can we do, at both individual and institutional levels, to address this?

In this sixth session, Dr. Rosalba Icaza Garza will join us as our main guest. 

Event title| Decolonizing the Curriculum: why, how, and what for? 


Research investigating calls for the decolonization of universities has detected, despite local specificities, a common concern to address the colonial legacies of universities, and in particular, of curricula across disciplines and knowledge fields. Taking seriously the legacies of colonialism calls for a transformation of our frameworks of understanding but also of our pedagogical and institutional practices. What can be learned from students, teachers, and staff struggling for the decolonization of curricula in and outside European Higher Education? This presentation encourages participants to reflect about the relevance of that these learnings hold for their own institutional and pedagogical context.

Dialogue 6: 'Decolonizing the Curriculum: why, how, and what for?' Dr. Rosalba Icaza Garza