UTVrijhof CultureNews archiveRelaxations for sport and culture
Image by Gerd Altmann via Pixabay

Relaxations for sport and culture

In response to the press conference on Friday 14 January, we are excited to announce that from Monday 17 January from 17.00 onwards, cultural activities can be organised again in the Vrijhof. These activities entail rehearsals of the cultural associations and the cultural courses. Performances and other cultural activities with an audience are, unfortunately, not allowed yet. When participating in cultural activities, you should adhere to the following rules:

-          A facemask needs to be worn inside university buildings, preferably this is an FFP2 mask. You can request such a mask at the Servicedesk of the Vrijhof.

-          When entering the rehearsal- or course room your coronavirus entry pass needs to be scanned.

-          Even after scanning the coronavirus entry pass you are required to keep wearing a mask while moving through the room or sitting within 1.5 meters of other people.

-          When you sit more than 1.5 meters from other people, you can take of your mask.

-          Try to keep 1.5 meters distance from others as much as you can during cultural activities.

-          When wearing a mask is compromising the cultural activity, you are allowed to take it off, even if you are within 1.5 meters of other people.

-          The cultural rooms can be used with 100% of their 1.5 meter capacity.

Try to be mindful about these rules and always do what feels comfortable and safe to you! We hope to see you soon.