8 - Colloquium and graduation ceremony

Scheduling your colloquium

When the research is completed and the draft report is written, then the scheduling of the colloquium (final presentation) and therewith the actual graduation,is due to be upon. In order to be able to schedule the colloquium a “green light” from the supervisors is required. Depending on the status of the draft report, first a “green light” meeting will be scheduled with the supervisors. During this meeting the supervisors will assess whether the draft report is at a stage where it has sufficient content to graduate. If the draft report does not qualify to schedule the colloquium, some adjustments in the report need to be made and a new “green light” meeting is necessary. If the draft report does qualify, the colloquium can be scheduled.

The colloquium date will be scheduled in consultation with the supervisors and it is important that shortly after that the educational administration / BOZ is informed in order to make arrangements for the colloquium and graduation. Please note that the administration / BOZ will require 15 working days to process all the necessary procedures for the graduation. The administration / BOZ will arrange a lecture room for the colloquium and they will also inform the student which documents need to be handed in prior to the colloquium / graduation. The administration / BOZ will require students to fill-out the "colloquium application form" to be handed in at the administration / BOZ.

The administration / BOZ (Miranda Boshuizen) is located in the Citadel building (building nr. 9) in room H-438 (phone: +31 (0)53 489 9733 or e-mail: boz-com-ces@utwente.nl

Colloquium session and graduation ceremony

The actual graduation for the Master Communication Studies will take place during the colloquium session. The colloquium session will be part of the assessment of the Master Thesis COM and therefore the main language of the colloquium sessions will be English. Depending on the student preference, the administration / BOZ can schedule a colloquium during the following lecture hours:

A general outline of a typical colloquium session starting at 15.45 hours is displayed below:

15.45 – 16.00 : Introduction presentation by the graduate candidate in any desired language. This is not obligatory, but can be used to perform a presentation for friends and relatives in another language than English. The supervisors will not be present during this period and it will also not be assessed.

16.00 – 16.05 : Entrance of the supervisors and official start of the colloquium session. As of this moment the language will be English.

16.05 – 16.25 : Research presentation (in English). During this presentation the student will address the main research question(s), the design of the research and the subsequent results, conclusions and points of discussion.

16.25 – 16.45 : The student will take on questions of the supervisors and the audience. The general language is English, although persons in the audience may ask questions in any other language. The student in that case has to translate the question in English and then give an answer.

16.45 – 16.50 : The supervisors will shortly suspend the colloquium session in order to assess the presentation and answering of questions in order to be able to determine the final grade. 

16.50 – 17.00 : The first supervisor will announce the final result and will also address some words towards the student, regarding the research and/or general or personal experiences during the process.

17.00 – (17.30) : Closing of the ceremony by the first supervisor and possible spare time for extended sessions.