Kim Vissers

Our eighteenth alumni presented in this series of Alumni of Psychology is Kim Vissers. She graduated from the bachelor of psychology (2016) and from the master Communication Studies (2018), specialized in Marketing Communication. She works at INTK, an online marketing agency for the cultural sector.

How long did it take to find your first job?

Before I graduated, I was working at the UT for Pre-U (pre-university college) as marketing coordinator. They offered me a temporary position during someone’s maternity leave for after graduation. For my second job I think it took me around 1 month.

What are your tasks and responsibilities?

I work at INTK, an online marketing agency for the cultural sector. So I work for museums, theatres, art houses and libraries for example, and I really like it! I am a project manager and online marketeer. I help my clients with increasing their online visibility by setting up online advertising campaigns. Next to that, I help them gain insight in the performance of their website and web analytics. So I also do a lot of data analysis.

What have you taken along your study which you now profit from?

From by BSc Psychology I feel like I still benefit from the general people skills knowledge and interpersonal knowledge you gain, primarily how you collaborate and communicate with different types of people. During my masters I took courses in online marketing that of course provided me the knowledge base for my current work, and also the MSc course ‘Advertising Psychology’ gave men insights that are still helpful on a daily basis.

What do you hope to achieve in your career?

I would like to grow towards a position in which I am managing a team or I’m working on marketing strategies on a higher level. I would love to work in the event sector, for example as a head of marketing for a large music festival organization.

If you think about you study time, which memory comes up first?

My board year at study association Dimensie brought me a lot of valuable and educational experiences, that made me realize I really enjoy organizing events and keeping the overview and that projectmanagement really is the thing for me. It lead to me doing the Communication Studies premaster and master, realizing the switch will help me to better apply my strengths and skills to help businesses and people.

Which tips and tricks would you like to give to current students?

It maybe sounds cliché and basic, but really try to find out where your strengths lie and in what kind of jobs this might come in handy, and try to develop yourself as much as possible in- and outside of your studies. Even if it is not necessary, I would really recommend doing an internship during your masters, to gain work experience and to get a better view of the work field and if this will fit you.

Kim graduated writing a bachelor thesis in which she investigated the relationship between implicit theories, self-efficacy and (intention to) STEM choice within a group of high school students. Het masterthesis is not online available.

Any questions to Kim?

This alumni has given the opportunity to answer questions about his/her work. If you have a question you are invited to mail this questions to Our moderator will bring you in touch with the alumni, who will answer your questions. For direct career opportunities you are advised to get in touch with the Human Resources department of the employer.

Get in touch!

Do you know someone who has a nice job, has an inspiring career of otherwise is interesting to join the Humans of Psychology series? Please get them in touch with us. To be able to keep this series going more alumni are needed.

Published: May 13th, 2019