This page offers a graphic overview of some important numeric information about the Master Industrial Engineering and Management.

  • Influx

    In the data below, the influx for 2022 is ignored, as this influx is incomplete.

    Influx by pre-education

    This image shows the influx in M-IEM by pre-education. The category 'Other', as seen for the year 2021, can be declared by the 'smooth transfer' regulations due to covid-19. This category comprises of bachelor students who, due to covid, did not completely finish their bachelor yet. Under conditions they are allowed to start in the master.

    Influx by grouped nationality

    The influx by grouped nationality for M-IEM is shown here.

    Influx international students

    The influx of international students is shown here. International in this context means that the first and second nationality of the student are not Dutch. 

    Influx female students

    The influx of female students seems to be stabile around a quarter of the total.

  • Dropouts
    Dropouts by grouped nationality

    The dropouts by grouped nationality. 

    Dropouts per year

    The percentage of dropouts per year

  • Graduates
    Graduates per academic year

    Graduates per academic year.

    Cum laude

    The percentage of students that graduated cum laude (with distinction) from M-IEM.

  • Pass rates
    Pass rates

    This figure shows the number of students completing the programme with a diploma and provides information on how much time they took.

    The year on the left-hand side indicates the academic year in which students started the programme (e.g., 2019 indicates that it concerns data about the students who started in the academic year 2019/2020).

    Per year, the row 'Nominal' shows the number of students who completed the programme within the nominal duration (the green bar). The blue bar indicates the students who did not complete the programme within the nominal duration and the orange bar shows the students who quit the programme.

    The row 'Nominal + 1' shows the same information, but now the students who took at most 1 year on top of the nominal duration (*) are added to the 'Graduates' (i.e., the green bars), and removed from the 'Active' students (i.e., the blue bars).

    The row 'Nominal > 1' includes the data for the students who took more than 1 year extra to complete the programme.

    In this figure, we are not able to discriminate when a student dropped out of the programme. Therefore, per starting year, the orange bars are equally large.

    (*) This means that even if a student has a delay of only 1 day, (s)he will not be counted in 'Nominal', but is included in 'Nominal + 1'.

  • Prognosis student numbers
    Prognosis student population

    The prognosis for student numbers is shown here.

  • Teaching Staff

    The data shown below consists of the teachers involved in the mandatory courses for all specialisations in the Master Industrial Engineering and Management.


    The University Teaching Qualfication (UTQ) is a qualification of pedagogical competences of university teachers. All teaching staff of the University of Twente have to acquire this certificate within 3 years after their employment. An UTQ qualification is nationally acknowledged. 

    English Proficiency

    UT Academic staff whose teaching is in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI), which is the case for the IEM programmes, are required by university policy to demonstrate a C1 or C2 level of proficiency, as defined by the proficiency descriptors in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Therefore, IEM teachers are asked to take a UT English Proficiency Assessment.


    As PhD candidates are not allowed to teach in the Master of IEM, all involved teachers hold a PhD.